KAT’S KORNER ~ March 2023
March 7, 2023, 9:54 AM

Winter Storms
John 16:33 tells us, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Though we may not see it or understand it, God can use hardships in our lives for His glory.
Anyone else getting tired of the wind lately? All these winter storms blowing through Tucson with rain and cold and wind. It affects people seemingly in a negative way and adds unnecessary stress to our already daily struggles. The raging wind especially, is a reminder of the troubles we will have in this world.
None of us are immune to hardships or storms in this life. Matthew 8: 3-26 tells us of a raging storm causing the disciples to panic. While Jesus was asleep in the front of the boat, the disciples were afraid that they were going to drown. Once they woke Him up, Jesus did calm the wind and the waves. The Bible doesn’t say anywhere that life will be smooth sailing, but it does say that in Jesus, we have hope and peace. The disciples were in awe of Jesus after He calmed the storm because …” even the winds and the sea obey Him.” Romans 8:27 Maybe we should show the same appreciation through our trials and not just praise Him when things are going well.
Our hardships strengthen our faith in Him. Amid life’s storms, we can have courage as we face trials. Jesus is our anchor in times of trouble and if we focus on that, we can rest in His peace.
So, as these winter storms continue to blow through and add frustration to our everyday lives, turn your eyes to Jesus and have faith that He will get you through. He allows things to happen for a reason so if we trust in Jesus, we have no reason to worry. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28. We can complain like the disciples did or we can have faith that He is true and just and ride out the storm. Praying for you all.
Much love, Miss Kat