Craig’s Corner ~ July 2023
July 7, 2023, 3:01 PM

Craig’s Corner
 Hello everyone!

Our Church has been saying goodbye to a couple of families these last few weeks. Friends! The Family of God! People we have come to know better and love more in these past few years. Members of our Church, who have loved and prayed and faithfully served with us. We will miss them dearly! And we will think of them and pray for them in times to come.
The Lord has led them on to other places to serve Him. We hope to see them again from time to time, but even if we don’t, we have the promise that we will see them again WHEN WE ALL get to HEAVEN! In a LAND that is FAIRER THAN DAY! Where separations COME NEVERMORE! Because WHEN the ROLL IS CALLED UP YONDER, we’ll Sing and Shout the VICTORY, with our BROTHERS and SISTERS, PARENTS and CHILDREN, and FRIENDS and LOVED ONES, who THROUGH FAITH in Jesus Christ, have gone on before us!
We will worship together before GOD”S THRONE. We will serve Him together for ETERNITY. We will have PERFECT bodies, hearts, minds, and souls. There will be NO sadness or sorrow or tears. There will be NO sickness or pain or death. There will be ONLY PERFECT LOVE, JOY, PEACE, and HOLINESS FOREVER!!!
So as we miss some family that move on, we WELCOME and BLESS the many new MEMBERS that the Lord is bringing to serve with us, and the many VISITORS who need our love, prayers, and guidance as we teach and preach God’s Word.
Thank you for your love and prayers!   
……. Craig