Jasper's Joy ~ Aug '23
August 5, 2023, 12:00 AM

Jasper’s Joy

I would like to say “thank you” for your prayers and support for the Youth Group.
Several unexpected and interesting things happened. First, new friendships were born, our kids met new Christian friends outside their TMBC youth group. The joy of seeing our kids find a friend with the same faith and serve the same God was priceless.
Second, they were able to apply what they have learned, to be doers of the Word, not just hearers only. They were able to help the Yavapai County Gospel Rescue Mission to pack, sort and load supplies in a large box truck.
Third, they were able to know and learn more about one another. We spent two nights and two days at Lynx Campground. During those times, we talked about school, embarrassing moments, favorite sports, movies, struggles in life and how they have learned to overcome those.
Last and the most important of all, they were able to ensure that they have a relationship with Jesus. In our two days of stay there, we discussed about God’s assurance and God’s forgiveness. We are praying hard for these kids, that they will be an instrument of God to perform extraordinary things for His glory and honor.
We are so thrilled by how God used them to fulfill His plan and to make an impact to the world around them.
By His mercy and grace, we thank you for working with us.
Pastor Jasper