Jasper's Joy ~ Oct '23
October 11, 2023, 1:35 PM

“I thank my God every time I remember you” Philippians 1:3
How often do we thank God for each other? Paul did not stand alone in the world. He was not the only person living for God and sharing Christ.
He belonged to a great family, a family of believers who constituted the family of God. They too were living for God and sharing Christ with a lost and needful world.
Remember that Paul was in prison in Rome and that he was a great distance from the Philippian believers.
He did not have their presence; all he had was the memory of their time together. And sitting there in prison, remembering their love and care and support, his heart swelled up with thanksgiving for them, and he thanked God for them.
What a lesson for us! If Paul thanked God for believers who were so far away from him, how much more should we thank God for each other.
We have the love and care and support of each other week by week and day by day, and we can call upon each other for help any hour of any day. We should be following Paul’s example and thanking God for all the believers every day. We are not alone in the world.    
Pastor Jasper