May 2023 ~ Jasper’s Joy, The Answer To The Conflict
May 8, 2023, 3:58 PM

Jasper’s Joy
The Answer To The Conflict
(Genesis 8:12-13)
Conflict is always destructive and painful.
Conflict destroys peace and security, the peace and security: of hearts, of families, of work, of nations. Conflict is painful: sometimes it hurts mildly, sometimes dangerously.
Sarah’s demand to get rid Ishmael and Hagar was a heavy pressure upon Abraham. But God knew. He knew all about Abraham’s heavy heart and distress, all about his perplexity, just not knowing what to do. Abraham prayed and
discussed the matter with God, and God heard and cared about Abraham’s need. Therefore, God set about to meet Abraham’s need.
God is the answer to whatever conflict you are facing right now. He knew what you were going through, He heard you and cared about you. And He is always there to help you and to meet your needs.
God’s Word always meets the need of the human heart.