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Sept 2022 - Craig's Corner
September 1, 2022, 12:00 AM

Craig’s Corner

Hello everyone!

Sonya and I just returned from visiting our new two month old TRIPLET nephews! They are amazing little miracles! Two twins and their brother. (Yes, we visited the rest of the family too! Because they happened to be there.)

I have not been around babies much in a long time. I did not know the development stages. They can only see close up, then steadily further away. Their arms move on their own until they learn to control them. They are very weak. We were noticing that they are like little “Bobble Heads”!

And yet we seemed to celebrate every little burp or toot, and our successful diagnosis of their need for a cuddle, a bottle, a nap or a change!

They are so young and innocent that even when they cry we think they are adorable! After all, we are their caretakers! It is our responsibility to make sure their needs are met, day and night. They have no knowledge or ability to care for themselves.

Then as they grow, we teach them. They learn to care for themselves and soon become parents too. Later, they take care of their own parents. This is God’s design for the family. And the family is the foundation of society.

God created marriage and the family. God also created the Church. And the Church is His family here on earth. We, who believe in Jesus Christ, God’s Son, as our Savior, have been given the blessing of REBIRTH. We are born, spiritually, into God’s family. And also the blessing of ADOPTION. We are heirs of God’s glory and joint heirs with Jesus.

So we bring new members into our family though faith in Jesus. We patiently, lovingly care for them and teach them as they grow and mature. So we are constantly seeing the family of God grow and mature and become more pleasing to God as we become more like Jesus.

We start by trusting Jesus as our Savior, and we grow by making Him our Lord, more and more every day. This is God’s design for His family, the Church.

May God Be pleased with us as we seek to love and serve Him and one another.

Thank you for your love and prayers! …..Craig